Bruno Genovese
In Conversation with business mentor Bruno Genovese in London
Bruno Genovese is a London-based business mentor who teaches entrepreneurs how to run a successful business while finding inner peace.
When you look at your customers, what are the most common persistent problems that keep them stumbling?
Two common problems I see are problems I have gone through myself on my journey.
One is the feeling of being lost or not seeing a vision for the future. I firmly believe that when you discover God’s vision for your life, everything becomes clear and more exciting. This is the first step.
The second common problem is for those who have that vision and alignment with what God has for them, but they are struggling. That is what I call going through the desert or a period of disruption. When God sets a vision there is often a time of disruption, suffering, sacrifice and often silence – you feel that God is not speaking to you. This journey through the desert is one of preparation and maturation. God removes many things in your life to make room for the new. The idea is to transform this suffering and silence into clarity about the next steps. And then to create the capacity for them. Often we are busy with administrative and low value tasks that make up 80 per cent of our business and we need to create space and capacity to focus on the important 20 per cent – your unique calling – then you are able to move forward.
What’s fascinating is that pursuing a 10X vision is often easier than aiming for incremental 2X growth. When you think about 10X growth, it forces you to focus solely on what truly matters – your unique calling – while 2X thinking keeps you stuck trying to do everything just a little better.
The third step would be to meet people and create connections and collaborations. Once you have gone through that desert, that is what I call the awakening: things start to fall into place, and you start to make progress towards your vision.

"Often people want to do everything themselves instead of focusing on what is most important, which is our unique capacity."
Bruno Genovese
There is a lot of business advice out there, and of course it is all about putting that advice into practice - what, in your experience, creates lasting change?
For me, lasting change comes from an ongoing relationship with God. We need to create space on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to really connect with God. And the second task is to create the capacity, the space, to focus on our calling. Often people want to do everything themselves instead of focusing on what is most important, which is our unique calling. What I’ve discovered is that when you aim for exponential growth – what I call 10X thinking – it actually simplifies your business because there are fewer paths available to reach those breakthrough goals.
We need to create space by finding systems and people to support us or by removing things altogether in order to focus on our unique calling. When you do that, things start to flow.
"Focus on what is most important: your unique capacity."
Bruno Genovese

What are some habits or routines that you recommend for aligning your business with what God is teaching us?
Creating space to connect on a daily basis. My first hour of the day is sacred, it is my time for meditation, reflection and planning. I have been very intentional with this time to connect with God and also with my vision and the day ahead. This way, I am in a good place to start.
Secondly, it`s creating space to create on a weekly basis. I often block out time in my diary just for creation. About four or five hours two or three times a week to do non-urgent, important things: reading, producing content, planning for the next stage, writing. The rest of my time is spent serving – serving my clients, selling, mentoring. Of course, sometimes things come up and I have to be flexible, but at least the basic structure of the week is there.
On a monthly basis I take three days – in addition to the weekends – to completely recharge my body and mind and do nothing, have quiet time, family time or holidays. I deliberately do not work and let go. Having this system or routine gives me a lot of freedom.
What would you say is the most transformative insight you teach?
Most transformative is what I call the awakening after creating a vision. Making it happen through and with God. I have been there a few times. The period of desert is so challenging but it also prepares you for what comes next. It forces you to connect with God a lot more, and also with your calling. All it is is preparation, cleaning the space by taking things away from you, it deepens your faith and strengthens your mindset.

"The period of desert is so challenging but it also prepares you for what comes next. It forces you to connect with God a lot more, and also with your calling."
Bruno Genovese
If you could choose one step that someone could take to become less stressed and more at peace in their business, what step would they take?
In the past I felt overwhelmed and stressed, anxious, wanting to control everything and work hard. The more anxious and stressed I became, the more work God gave me until the day I decided to surrender and really decide to seek God first. I was a Christian from an early age, but my faith was superficial and not deep. When I finally took the time to seek the Lord, when I surrendered my life to Him and all my worries and plans and sought His peace, things changed. Instead of Him being my co-pilot, I became His co-pilot. If you seek His peace, He gives it to you, but you have to seek it.
Personally, I go to my bathroom, close the door, get down on my knees, and pray. It is as simple as that. This can be one minute or twenty minutes. I just say: I am here, I need peace, and I need guidance. Another thing I often do is I close both my fists very tightly and I think of all my problems and then I slowly let go and open up and say I give them to you God, they are yours. I do these two things at least once a day, sometimes more than once a day. If there is a big problem and I am really stressed, I find a place where I can get down on my knees and pray – and when you get up you can really feel the peace immediately. Everyone can find their own practice and routine of course.

"When I finally took the time to seek the Lord, when I surrendered my life to Him and all my worries and plans and sought His peace, things changed."
Bruno Genovese
Do you personally make New Year's resolutions and if so, what are yours for 2025?
I have a vision to serve many more people than I do today, both in their businesses and in their lives – I want to serve hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands of business leaders around the world. I am asking the Lord to work with me and through me. But while I have this big vision, I am equally excited about taking one small step at a time, living with grace and being thankful for where I am today.
You can find more about Bruno Genovese on Instagram @brunogenovese
About the author: www.business-photographer.com
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