
Latest Stories

Made with Patience Fashion Designerin Daniela Lombardi


INTERVIEW WITH DANIELA LOMBARDO, FOUNDER OF ‘PATIENCE’ IN VENICE. In the heart of Venice is the fair fashion studio and shop of Daniela Lombardo, a bright light in the fashion industry.

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Michel at Trudon London

Trudon London

INTERVIEW WITH MICHEL BLANCO / TRUDON IN LONDON. The French candle and perfume specialist Trudon does storytelling in the most unique, enchanted and extraordinary way. A conversation with Michel Blanco, the store manager of their first physical UK shop in London.

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How to turn customers into fans

Imagery and Storytelling create a strong bond between you and your customers. 


Made with Patience Fashion Designerin Daniela Lombardi


INTERVIEW WITH DANIELA LOMBARDO, FOUNDER OF ‘PATIENCE’ IN VENICE. In the heart of Venice is the fair fashion studio and shop of Daniela Lombardo, a bright light in the fashion industry.

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Michel at Trudon London

Trudon London

INTERVIEW WITH MICHEL BLANCO / TRUDON IN LONDON. The French candle and perfume specialist Trudon does storytelling in the most unique, enchanted and extraordinary way. A conversation with Michel Blanco, the store manager of their first physical UK shop in London.

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Dar Leone London

Dar Leone

INTERVIEW WITH HOMEWARE DESIGNER ISATU FUNNA, FOUNDER OF “DAR LEONE”. Dar Leone is the name of the brand and shop of Londoner Isatu Funna, who creates colourful, Sierra Leone-inspired and elegant homeware. Dar Leone is located in Islington, London.

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Kapka hat designer Anna Rohr


INTERVIEW WITH ANNA ROHR, hat designer of KAPKA, who has built a business selling her handmade hats on street markets in Berlin.

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Coach Adele Testa

Coach Adele Testa

INTERVIEW WITH COACH ADELE TESTA, who turned her experiences of losing her dad and moving abroad into her mission and is now supporting people to make the changes they want to make.

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Webdesigner Freya Padmore

Webdesigner Freya Padmore

INTERVIEW WITH LONDON BASED WEBDESIGNER FREYA PADMORE. What are the essentials of a good website for a small business owner? And what are the most common flaws? Freya shares her advice on what to look out for.

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Michael Köckritz by business photographer

Publisher Michael Köckritz

INTERVIEW WITH PUBLISHER MICHAEL KÖCKRITZ who is the founder of the award-winning car and culture magazine ramp. Michael is an innovator of print storytelling and has recently launched his new project “”, a Magnum-inspired collective of photographers.

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Business Insights

Berg Bier Business Story

Against the mainstream

The brewery “Berg Bier” is family owned for many generations and has an over 250 year old tradition. The ongoing success of the brewery is based on catering to a niche audience.

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Notes on Creativity

CURATING AND CREATIVE WORK. What a house of plants can teach us about curating and elevating our creative work.

Why we cannot and should not aim to please everyone with our work.

How to get more out of your day and ignite your creativity by feeling more.

TIME MANAGEMENT- How to deal with a long To Do List full of "Should dos" by scheduling them in your calendar

CREATIVE WORK - How to avoid one of the biggest traps for creative work: postponing - while waiting for "inspiration" or ideal circumstances.


FOCUS AND GET STUFF DONE. A surprisingly simple technique that might revolutionize your ability to focus.

DEALING WITH CRITICISM. How we become braver by learning to react to personal attacks.

HOW TO DRESS FOR PHOTOS - what garments to choose and what to look out for when choosing your outfit for a photo shooting.

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